Komitmen kami PT. Silicone Rubbers Solution membuat produk dengan kualitas tinggi
Our commitment in PT. SRS is to make products with the best quality.
Kami berusaha membuat barang dengan material yang terjamin mutunya. Untuk itu sebelum digunakan material yang diterima dilakukan pemeriksaan, berupa salah satunya bersifat mekanis.
Control of material quality
We endeavor to create products with materials that have well-guaranteed quality. With the Quality Management System, a mechanical process is performed from the onset, when receiving raw material, through an inspection.
We ensure making high quality products through a robust phase process according to the established standar work and system.
End/final quality control
We perform a final Quality Control at the end before packaging process.
Pengendalian kualitas material
Pengendalian kualitas proses
Control of process quality
Pengendalian kualitas akhir

9001 : 2015

Penerapan Sistem Manajemen Mutu ISO 9001 adalah fondasi kami untuk menjaga kualitas produk kami
We have implemented the ISO 9001 as our management system as our foundation to maintain the quality of our products.